Do or Die: Delegate!

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Delegation is one of the skills new managers really struggle with.

OK, so let’s be honest, how about MOST managers struggle with delegation.

Managers either don't want to do it, or they don't know how to do it.

Neither reason is a good one.

Ignore this skill gap at your peril.

Do any of these excuses sound familar?

•I’m too busy to teach and/or follow-up

•I don’t know how to delegate or hold people accountable

•I don’t trust anyone else to do a good job

•It’s my job security

•I don’t want to impose on others who are already busy

But what does not delegating say to Employees?

• I don't trust you

• I don’t think you are competent

• I don't care about your development

• I don't have time for you

And what does not delegating say about you to your Boss?

• You hoard information

• You lack confidence

• You don't care about your people

• You are not promotable

If your managers are struggling with how to delegate, you can bet it impacts employee engagement, your succession planning, & your culture.

Don't ignore this.

Do something about it.

I can help.

Contact me to start a conversation.

Cindy Lynch

Transforming stressed & frustrated managers into confident & memorable leaders.

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