Golden Eggs Aren’t Just Found in Fairy Tales

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If you found a real Golden Egg, your life would dramatically change. Instantly, all your financial worries would vanish.

What if you could find Golden Eggs in your management life? Most of your people "problems" would vanish.

Well, you can.

All you need to do is master the 1:1 Conversation. (It's one of the modules in our Smart Leader programs)

Here are a few of the unexpected Golden Eggs that came up in class this week:

  • “I saw you working long, long hours. I wish you had asked me to help you.“ (Golden Egg: not delegating because they were afraid it would be perceived as "dumping"; employees felt they weren't trusted).

  • “COVID was not good! I am worried we are not prepared for the future” (Golden Egg: we aren't out of this yet. We need to be prepared if something like this happens again; our people cannot afford to be blindsided physically or emotionally).

  • I found out I have an employee who has worked for me for a long time and doesn't want to be in this department (Golden Egg: I just assumed my people would come to me with a problem. Well, they don't! I never knew this person wasn't happy).

  • An employee told me they were worried about the adoption of our new software, they were hearing a lot of grumbling and complaining (Golden Egg: I didn't know there WAS a problem. I never heard a word! This could have been disastrous, now I know I need to jump on this issue).

As managers, we have to make it easy for our team to talk to us, and that means going to them and not expecting them to come to us.

Learn to Master your 1:1. It really will dramatically change your life.

Contact me to learn more

Cindy Lynch

Transforming stressed & frustrated managers into confident & memorable leaders.

Rotting Roots of Resentment


Do or Die: Delegate!