There is No Such Thing as a Dragon

Dragon at Breakfast.jpg

Jack Kent wrote the story There is No Such Thing as a Dragon for children, or was it for adults?

Little Billy Bixbee wakes up one morning to find a dragon about the size of a kitten staring at him.  He pats it on the head and the dragon responds happily.

But when Billy goes to breakfast and tells his mom about the dragon, she say’s “there’s no such thing as a dragon” despite the fact the dragon is sitting on the table waiting to share Billy’s pancakes.

Mother and Billy completely ignore the dragon as they go about their day.  During this time, the dragon keeps growing.  It is getting bigger and bigger until finally with the Bixbee’s house on his back, the dragon chases the bread truck down the street.


It is at this time that Billy’s mom finally pats the dragon on the head and admits, “I guess dragons do exist.”

Instantly, the dragon becomes kitten sized again.

Leadership Lesson: Tackling issues and problems as they occur, when they are manageable, beats dealing with a full-grown dragon every time. 

We tend to avoid things that make us uncomfortable. As a leader, there will be times when taking action or having a difficult conversation is something you will face. 

Expect it. Be prepared. And with practice, it will get easier.

If you avoid it, you are destined to fail as a leader because your team will outgrow you.

Cindy Lynch

Transforming stressed & frustrated managers into confident & memorable leaders.



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